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Creating an FTP account in cPanel

The default FTP Account

By default, cPanel creates an FTP user that is the exact same login details as your cPanel login details. You can find the details for the default FTP user inside VIPcontrol, by following these steps:

  1. Log in to VIPcontrol.
  2. Click on My Services at the top of the page, then click the cPanel Hosting tab underneath.
  3. Click on Manage next to the cPanel service you want the default FTP details for.
  4. Under cPanel and FTP Details, you can see the FTP Details. To see the password, click the eye icon next to Password.

Creating more FTP Accounts

If you want to create your own FTP user, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to cPanel.
  2. Click on FTP Accounts under Files.
  3. Under Add FTP Account, input the following:
    1. Log In: Set the username you want.
    2. Domain: Set the domain you want this user to be for.
    3. Password: Input the password you want for this user.
    4. Password (Again): Input the password again to confirm it.
    5. Directory: This will be the folder that the FTP User can access. The user will only be able to access this folder and sub-folders within it.
    6. Quota: This will be the maximum upload/download limit for the FTP User.
  4. Click Create FTP Account.

Please keep in mind that when inputting the username into your FTP Software, you need to input the username and domain in the following format <username>@<domain name>.

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